Home » John Loiodice, MD

John Loiodice, MD

He/Him, 42+ years of experience
Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialty Care
Primary Location:
Berkshire Ear, Nose & Throat
510 North Street, Suite 10
Pittsfield, MA 01201


John Loiodice, MD

About John Loiodice, MD

42+ year Berkshire resident

I am working a limited clinical schedule at the present and am enjoying local recreational activities. My interests outside of my clinical work and teaching is taking care of our small farm and 3 horses which have been with us for 20 plus years. I have had to learn some Veterinary skills and enjoy DIY when machines and implements require fixing. I believe strongly in Community Service and I have recently been reelected for a second term as Commissioner of Water Sewer and The Stockbridge Board of Health. At home I assist my wife at maintaining a flower as well as a vegetable garden. Above all I enjoy early morning biking our beautiful country roads which I do frequently as weather permits

Favorite Berkshire Spots
  • Mount Greylock
  • Stockbridge Bowl
  • Tanglewood

Care & Services


Ear, Nose and Throat


Diseases of the EAR, Nose and Throat, Endoscopy of Sinuses, Treatment of Voice and swallow disorders, Hearing loss, Balance disorders

Clinical Interest

Diseases of the Ear Nose and Throat

Primary Location

Berkshire Ear, Nose & Throat
Mon – Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm
510 North Street, Suite 10
Pittsfield, MA 01201 Get Directions

Berkshire Ear, Nose & Throat

510 North Street, Suite 10
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Mon – Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm


Our highly skilled providers come from a wealth of educational backgrounds.

Medical Education
Wayne State University (1976), Detroit, MI
Albert Einstein Bronx Municipal affiliates NY (1980), , Bronx NY
Montefiore Hospital (1980), College of Surgeons Fellow Head and Neck, Bronx NY
Berkshire Medical Center SURGICAL- RESIDENTS TEACHING AWARD 2006-2007
Board Certifications

Board Certified in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery (ABOHNS)