ONMM3 residents will have extensive clinic time to learn to incorporate OMM into primary care visits as well as spend clinic time in our OMM consultation clinic. They will also spend several months rotating in our vibrant OMM hospital consultation service with regular consultations from Surgery, Pediatrics, OB and Medical Specialties. Specific rotations during the residency year will include Neurology, Rheumatology, Pain Management, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation with electives in Integrative Medicine, Pediatrics, Occupational Medicine and Orthopedics.
We do not use ERAS for the Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Manipulative Medicine Program.
Please forward the following to: Pat Armstrong
- CV
- Dean’s Letter or equivalent
- Medical School Transcript
- COMLEX Transcript
- Three letters of reference
- Current program directors contact information
- Personal Statement
Medical Education Affiliates